Yeah, it is kind of nice to see how things are coming together with boxes being unpacked and the old house starting to empty out. In the words of the guy from "The A-Team", "I love it when a plan comes together." But wait, that isn't the only image of our house right now...
The kitchen is starting to look good ... the rest of the house on the other hand is going to take some work. The good news is that we will get a dumpster in soon so we can start cleaning up the construction mess little by little and that the house will get put together. For now it will just take time.
Wow.. no dishwasher? I think that is great, but then I think washing the dishes is relaxing.
Yeah, no dishwasher. But, that was more of space/cost sacrifice rather than something we really wanted to leave out. It should give us some good quality time at the sink though! :)
If you ever get tired of hand washing, you could get a counter top dishwasher. That's what we ended up doing. It washes most of our dishes each day and we hand wash the few that are left.
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