Here are some of the details on our new pigs. A few weeks back I saw an ad on Craigs List for "pastured swine". This of course caught my attention, but even better was the fact that they were only about 12 miles from our place! I called the farmer and told him I was interested in a few of the feeder pigs ... but, found out he was really wanting to sell the 8 pigs, the sow, and the boar. I went down to check them out hoping that I could just some feeders.
Well, once I go there he mentioned that he really wanted to sell them all and that he had some people coming to look at them. Normally I would have just said thanks, but I can't ... but, I really like the fact that these pigs where a Hampshire and Tamworth cross. As you may know the Tamworth is is listed on the ALBC list as "threatened". I drove away that day and began thinking about the different possibilities.
Finally I figured out a way to get it all together and those piggies showed up on the farm today. So, as of now we have halves and wholes of pasture raised (soon to be back on pasture after learning the joys of electric fence) Tamworth x Hampshire pork. These should finish this fall (October/November) and should be plenty tasty (I know I can't wait!).
If you would like to throw out a name for our new Tamworth boar you can check out my latest Epi-Log post and offer up your suggestion.
That was mean... So what breed? How many? All for meat or breeding animals?
Okay, I have a few more details up now. I'll give more information as the week goes along.
I've got to ask, did you guys have to pick up the piglets any? or were they herded around? When we got our 3 we couldn't believe how loud they would scream when they were picked up. It was like something straight out of a horror film.
It's awesome that you got some pastured / heritage hogs that close to home. It's it great to know that you have some meat coming soon?
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