As you can see from the calendar today is the first day of spring. As you can see from the picture above that doesn't really mean anything in southern Iowa. The snow today just serves to make things a little more exciting and I guess to make me even more anxious for sun and temps in the 60's. There is a plus side though ... you might notice in the the picture that the snow has driven the buffalo out of their spots down in the timber and up onto the pasture. It sure is nice to wake up in the morning and look out the window at a small herd of buffalo!
In other snow related news, it is supposed to hit 37ºF today and all the way up to 59ºF on Tuesday with the sun making an appearance on a couple of the days. I think that means that this snow will quickly give way to a bit more mud. I guess it is nice that we were starting to dry up just a little bit before this last round! Now, if I could just get some sort of guarantee that this would be the last snow of the season.
After all the snow and cold we have had this winter locally, I am actually looking forward to the 100-degree days of Oklahoma summer. (something I never thought I would say)
Definitely seems like we could still be getting snow yet in May the way this winter keeps hanging on. I'm looking forward to sunshine again.
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