
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Last year I took some time on Thanksgiving Day to write out some of the things that I'm thankful for. Since that time a lot has changed in our lives and I pray that my thankfulness has grown because God has continually showered our family with blessings. One year ago a farm of our own was still a dream ... no it is a dream in progress and I thank God everyday for the way that he has led our family. Here is are a few of the things that I'm thankful for this year. Also, don't forget to read George Washington's 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation.
  • I am thankful for my Savior and Creator who continually reminds me of his power and majesty through all that he has made.
  • I am thankful for my wife who is always there for me and supports me along all the crazy paths life takes us. Her love is an overflow of God's love and her help and prayers truly are a blessing to me.
  • I am thankful for our new baby boy, his big brother, and of course his big sister. Those three are an amazing blessing to our family and add the joy of the Lord to our lives.
  • I am thankful for our church and the ministry that I am able to be a part of there. For the people who have brought us in as part of their family for over four years now and the help that they are always giving us (remember, if it wasn't for them I'm not sure if we would even have all the walls up yet!).
  • I am thankful for the little slice of land that God has brought us to and the stewardship for it that he has laid on our hearts. The beauty of the hills, trees, wildlife, and silence all give me a greater appreciation for the wonders of this creation.
  • I am thankful for pigs, chickens, and little Dexter cows/bulls/steers! This past year we have watched our herds grow and expand and we have learned a lot (with much more to learn). It is such a privilege to be able to raise such great food and all of the experiences that go along with that.
  • I am thankful for our friends who have helped us build, move, learn, and so much more. True community is a special thing. I love seeing the community of Christ come together.
  • I am thankful for a country that allows me to worship my God and be so blessed. I pray that his hand works in my life and the lives of others so that people around the world can know the joy of this blessing.
  • And, I am thankful for the hopes and dreams that God has laid on our family's heart. He continues to open doors and move us in His direction ... I pray that we will always be open to his leading.
I pray that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving wherever you are and that you take some time to reflect on the blessings in your life!

1 comment:

  1. We've been thoroughly enjoying your comments and the occasional critique like yours on Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma."

    His book gave us reason to think about corn's impact on our lives. For instance, lots of recent information on the negative impact of corn syrup in many of our foods.

    The other day we picked up a "plastic" herb container of organic mint. The container was stamped "Plastic is made 100% from corn......." Now, that must be a very interesting manufacturing process.

    We're developing an organic farm on the Olympic Peninsula in western Washington, so we're all following a similar path.

    Happy Thanksgiving........!
