
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Girl...

Deciding to farm for us was about more than just food and land, it was also about our family and the life we want them to have. So, today I just wanted to take a second and say "Happy Birthday" to my little girl who is turning three! In fact I can really see the farm starting to grow on her because for quite awhile now she has emphatically said that she wants her cake to have a cow, a pig, and a chicken ... so that is what she is going to have.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I will share a more about what I'm thankful for then. But, today I am thankful for my little girl. For the joy she brings my heart as she bounces around like only a little girl can. For the smile she has as she sits on the tractor and pretends to drive. For the funny faces that she makes. For you cute little size that just makes you want to pick her up and give her a hug. And, for the way that she shows the love of God to our family every day.

So, there you go ... Happy Birthday Little Girl!

P.S. I do realize this picture has nothing to do with my daughters birthday, but I really liked it so I thought I would throw it up. You can check out my Epi-Log later today for a little more back story.

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