
Friday, July 03, 2009

Shed Construction Begins, Kind Of

Yesterday the builder arrived with materials, equipment, and workers to start our shed. They got things set up in the morning and dug 4 post holes before lunch. After they came back from lunch, however, they weren't here too long before I got a knock on the door. There was a slight problem. Some of the posts they had gotten in weren't the right size and they couldn't get the right size in until the middle of next week. So they headed home and should be back Wednesday. It still looks like we should get it up before we fence though - we just have to be a bit more patient to see it up.


  1. What happened to the shed construction pictures I was looking forwards to??

  2. The shed is on hold. The builders didn't come back until Thursday. They worked a few hours and went home when it started raining. They came back Friday but left before an hour was up. It had started raining again. So we're just waiting for the builder's schedule to match with nice weather . . . kind of like when our house was going up!
