
Monday, July 06, 2009

Converting Piles into Mobile Piles...

Yesterday we borrowed a mower (ours is ready for a junk pile or someone who likes to tinker) and started to attack the mess that we call our farm. So far this year we have mowed twice, including yesterday, so to say that things were tall might be a bit of an understatement. The great thing about yesterdays work though was that we didn't just mow, but we also moved a bunch of junk and threw away quite a bit of stuff as well. All of the sudden our farm yard looks a lot bigger and I feel a lot better walking around outside.

Even though the yard looks so much better and things are picked up I still kind of feel like I just swept most of the stuff under the rug. We had some pretty big piles of things that we have collected for future use on the farm and leftover construction materials. I sorted through and trashed as much as possible, but there was still a lot of "good junk". What I didn't want to do right now was just make another pile in a place where I would have to move it eventually. So, I decided to make mobile piles. Now pretty much anything with wheels has stuff on it. That way I can move my piles easily by just hooking them up to the tractor!

One side effect of all the mowing is that the new pigs have decided that they can squeeze through the holes in the cattle panels (there are only two in their pen). That was a construction oversight on my part, but it did make for some cute pictures as you can see above! Now for the fence...

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