
Contact Me

You can contact me through e-mail if you would like to send a personal note, question, or podcast or post idea. As I try to balance off farm work, farm life, family life, and just life in general, I will try to respond to questions that come in as I am able, and I appreciate each note of encouragement that I receive. Thank you for understanding, however, if I am in a stretch when I am not able to respond back.

If you have products which support sustainable small scale farming, and would like to share about them on my blog, you can contact me about advertising opportunities.


  1. I really appreciate your blog, it has great information. I'm a fan of farming, and I'm currently interested in aquaponic systems, ialso found great info at:



  2. Great blog! Is there a way to subscribe to your podcasts and download them so I can listen to them while out of range of internet...I will be going on a long train trip without internet access for 48 hrs and would like to download a bunch of podcasts on my ipad to listen to on the trip!? Thanks. Dave

  3. Love your podcasts. Grew up in the country in England and really appreciate the hardship farmers face.

    From what I have heard so far you seem to be someone interested in real diverse farming.

    I wish you every success and will continue to listen to your adventure.
