
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

TBF 000 :: The Semi-Short Story of Crooked Gap Farm

This is the Real Very First Episode of The Beginning Farmer Show!

About four months ago I finally decided to sit down and record the very first episode of The Beginning Farmer Show, but I didn't really want to put it out there because it wasn't very good ... in fact it was even worse than TBF Show Episode 001 which I wasn't totally pleased with either. But, I recorded it so I thought that I would at least make it available to those that subscribe through iTunes or other services.

The Beginning Farmer ShowOn this episode of The Beginning Farmer Show I share a little bit about how I got started in farming and why it all came about. I talk about my high cholesterol, my dislike of vegetables, the first cow and calf, and how this whole thing exploded. If you have never made the trek all of the way to the beginning of The Beginning Farmer Blog and you want to know a little bit about how it began then this is the show for you!

Along with the rambling in this episode I mentioned two authors whose books helped me along the way ... if you are interested in some good reading check out these links ...
As always you can follow along with The Beginning Farmer and Crooked Gap Farm by checking out these links ...
I would love to have you interact with the The Beginning Farmer Show. Feel free to comment on this post with your suggestions, questions, ideas, or even podcasting tips! You can also always reach The Beginning Farmer through e-mail.

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