
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sometimes ...

We are under our first "Winter Storm Watch" of the year. Even though it is December 19th and I shouldn't be surprised by this ... I can't say that I'm ready. So ... I have been hustling and hustling and hustling to get some things ready last minute before we have some snow falling on ground that isn't frozen (meaning it will be muddy!). Last minute is the way everything seems to work around here and sometimes it has me wondering why I'm even doing this. Luckily I was at my Uncle Loren's house a couple of nights ago to get some fencing supplies and I was reminded of why ...

I think part of the reason that I farm is because ... well just check out this picture ... because it kind of just runs in the family! I'm not completely sure who that is, but I know that it's one of my uncles and I know that is pigs being raised out side and doing what pigs do best! That is not the only reason that I farm though ... sometimes it is important to remember some of the side benefits of farming ...

You know ... benefits like having a goat so you can hook it up to a wagon and take rides around the farm. Now ... I just need to find a goat ... and a wagon!

(As always ... if you feel liking seeing my family up close you can always click on a picture to make it bigger. Trust me ... they are better looking in these pictures than these days ... kidding, kidding, kidding!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ethan in response to your post about outside farrowing I did a blog about how we do it on our farm. I hope it helps a little. My hubby and I started out as first generation farmers 20 years ago, so we understand your pain...and joys! Her it is
