
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

If you've never seen Mr. Smith Goes to Washington I suggest you check it out. Me ... well, I've seen it but I believe I may need to give it another look because I'm headed to Washington D.C. early this summer on behalf of Practical Farmers of Iowa. I will be going as part of a group of beginning farmers from at least ten other states to speak with members of the House and the Senate about the issues faced by beginning farmers. I believe my focus will be with the politicians from Iowa. I'm very excited about the opportunity if for no other reason than to share the story of the farm and how my farm has all come together.

But ... I am nervous. Obviously I've never been around this sort of thing, but also I've never even flown! So, it will be a whirlwind three days of nerves, fun, and I'm sure tons of education. I will share more as the big trip comes closer and I learn more. But, if you have any Washington D.C. travel tips or other ideas I am always thankful for them!


  1. We live in the general DC area and just bought a small farm. We'd love to know more about the trip to DC and find out how to get involved! Is there a website with more info?

  2. This is absolutely awesome. Congrats to you and we all wish you the very best trip. I am a "beginning farmer in planning stages" and I love your blog. You are honest and hardworking and so thoughtful. Thanks for everything you do.

  3. Your blog is very interesting. I will be coming back to read regularly and I am putting you on my "favorites" list for my new blog about trying to start a farm. Thanks for sharing your info; I'm hoping my husband and I can muddle through to get our own farm established very soon and blogs like yours are sure to help.

    Lana C.
