
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Back in the Chainsaw Saddle

Yesterday morning I was finally able to get my big chain saw (Stihl 034AV) into a shop for a repair and they were able fix me up really quick. It was just a broken pawl on the starter and then some missing screws and I was back in business. That meant I could put away the bow saw for now and get some firewood cut before the rains came ... yes, you read that correctly! At least for the time being we have transitioned from snow into rain and that means the snow is making an exit (although there was plenty of it in the woods today).

Because of the melting snow, the rain, and the quickly vanishing frost in the ground I'm relegated to staying on top of the hill and trying to never face downhill. The thing is that there are no trees on top of the hill, so what I end up doing is walking down and cutting up long lengths of wood to drag out and then cut up into fire wood. It's more work, but not as much work as it would be if I got the tractor stuck in the mud ... again!

No matter what the weather is like though I always make sure to take a moment to settle down in the woods and take it all in. Yesterday I was down cutting in the very bottom of the wooded hollow near the mostly intermittent creek (although it was really rushing today). It's pretty neat down there this time of year because all of the undergrowth isn't clogging up the view so I sat down to take it all in (oddly enough sitting on a hollow log ... in the hollow). Soon though everything will change and green will replace the snow covered ground and the canopy of empty trees.

Hopefully I will sit on a hollow log and enjoy that as well. For now I'm just glad the chainsaw is running again ... and if you have a Stihl 009 that needs some parts, just let me know (mine bit the dust and is now just a parts saw).


  1. Love it! My Hubby revved up his stihl this weekend for the first time at our new place. He hasn't killed any trees in several years due to having had to rent a few years before we could get our own place again. I've never seen him happier. :)

  2. I don't know what it is about men and chainsaws. My dad keeps eyeing all the trees on my new farm. I'll have to work hard to keep any of them standing.
