
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5:51 PM ...

... That is the time that the sun will set today. And, while I will readily admit that I could use some longer days right about now, I also won't complain because as it has already been mentioned ... the sun is gaining and we are on the downhill side of things right!?! In fact, by next week the sun will be setting around 6:00 PM. I think daylight until after 6:00 PM will add a little spring to my step (at least as much spring as coveralls and big boots allow). The early nighttime does make for some interesting nights on the farm.

As you can see from the picture above (it was a very clear night ... and cold ... and windy) I end up doing quite a few chores out in the dark. Of course this is nothing unique to our farm, it is just part of the deal. But, as a beginning farmer and a full-time town job guy I end up doing things when I can ... often that when is in the dark.

Before I leave in the morning I do chores that need to be taken care of first thing (feed and water). Then after work I check on the feed situation and get started on all the other stuff that may need to be done. This winter I've split plenty of wood with the help of my head lamp and warm clothes ... moved hay and other feed with my tractor (and the working headlights) ... and, I have even cut up sections of firewood with the chainsaw at night because it needed to be done.

Two conclusions that I've come to. Number one ... I'm thankful for that headlamp that my mom gave me for Christmas! It makes things much easier than trying to hold/position a flashlight while I work. And, number two ... working late at night helps me sleep better because I'm tired when I'm done.


  1. Now, see there? Sunset here is 5:21. You've got an entire half-hour more than we do... Hang in there!
    Glad you're back to blogging - I've been missing your updates.

  2. As a farmer, you should sleep very well. As a farmer with an off-the-farm should sleep like you are dead. That is, of course, unless you are like me. I sleep like I am dead, until something wakes me...then can't sleep because I am trying to figure out how to get everything done. :)

    Love to all the moms out there that give us practical gifts. :)
