
Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Can't Do it Alone...

Just to prove the point that I have made many times on this blog, that I can't do it alone, here are a couple pictures showing some recent work being done on the farm. In the first picture you see one of our great church friends helping till the front yard so it could be seeded to grass. While he was here he also tilled up the garden and now we have plants starting to poke through the dirt. In the second picture you can see my helpers hard at work on the hog hut with me. I only had a few minutes to work in between soccer practice and doing the opening prayer at the races, but my helpers helped make the most of my time! Thank goodness for those willing to help out...


  1. I don't think we were ever designed to do this gig by ourselves.

    I see we both have the same nail container..

  2. It's probably more true of all of life than we realize, but it is good to have tasks like farming (and conversations about literature) that require us to remember our need for communities, to be part of a body. It was good to see your family and be reminded of our times as co-laborers; missed you, though!

  3. Glad to see you have help. I think country folk tend to rely on their neighbors more - because we have to!

    I hope you're going to post more details about your hog shelter. That would be very interesting.
