
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is my sons 5th birthday. It is incredibly hard to believe that he is turning five, but I'm sure that he will keep reminding me all day long (he is pretty excited about the day). One thing that I do know though is that I am very blessed to have him in my life and can't imagine life any other way. In fact one major part of our move to the farm and the idea behind building a farm is because we want our family to experience all that the farm has to offer (everything from work to play).

My son is already a great helper around the farm. He helps water the livestock by turning on the hydrant, he helps feed the calves hay with me, he loves to carry wood, and he is the best buddy a dad could have when out doing chores.

With all of that in mind ... I'm off to spend the day with my little guy ... I'm sure he won't be little for much longer!

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