
Thursday, December 11, 2008

If You Want...

If it is your thing I know we (my pastor's wife and family) would appreciate your prayers. Our pastor (you can check out his picture at the link) suffered a few strokes and they were on both sides of his brain causing bleeding in both sides. He went through a 4 plus hour surgery yesterday and the doctor basically said that, "it went as well as they could have planned". But, there is a long road ahead with concerns of brain swelling and so much more.

I've been around the hospital quite a bit, and have only gone home long enough to catch a few hours of sleep and do the chores. But, I do have some more thoughts after reading a bit more of "The Omnivore's Dilemma". Hopefully I can get this until later today.


  1. You and your church family are in our prayers! It is our thing ;)!

  2. Be where you need to be. Do what you have to do. The blogosphere will understand. Everyone from Xanadu is with you in thought and prayer.

  3. Hi Ethan -

    Bless you for everything you are doing, but Art is indeed right on. Your Family, your pastor's family and the church family need to be
    1-2-3 right now. The blog can wait!

    I will be in prayer for your pastor and his family as well as yours.

    Your bud from a previous generation

    Karl G

  4. Prayers for a speedy recovery sent, and deepest sympathy for what his family must be going through..
