
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting Noticed on Google

Last week I wrote about our need for a farm website (I still need to get back to a few of you, but I had so many helpful e-mails and offers). It todays world, and being a 28-year-old that has had the internet since I was 13, I realize how important it is to have a web presence of some sort. Of course we don't really need to have an online store or anything fancy, but a website that tells our story and helps people connect with us is a must. As I was talking with my wife's cousin last night he reminded me how important it is to have a website so that you can put it on your business card. That way after having a conversation with you the people can go home and find out more or be reminded of why the were so impressed with your farm (at least that is what we hope).

So, with websites on the mind I thought it was pretty cool when I came across an article titled, "How to get your farm Web site to the top of the list on Google", over on the new Sustainable Farmer Online Magazine. Ranking high on Google has got to be good ... I mean use Google everyday at work looking for ideas for messages, events, or games ... so, a high ranking on Google can be a huge bonus for your farm.

I can't say it any better than they did (and I have to get to work today) so I'll just leave you to the links if this is something to interest you. But, I do think it is a good time to point out the importance of having a website for your farm if you are or will be direct marketing. It can't be the only tool of course, first hand communication will always win, but I see it as another piece of the puzzle.

**One More Thing** I just wanted to add that I'm really impressed with what they are doing over at the Sustainable Farmer website and just want to encourage you (again) to check it out. They have some good articles and information there.


  1. A big key is to keep at it and to provide relevant content. Being there for the long haul, with regular updates helps a lot.

  2. Let me know if you need any other tips. I do search engine optimization for a living and get sites to the top of Google organic search results for much tougher keywords than you'll be shooting for. With great content, I'm sure you'll do fine. :-)
