
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The One Bad Thing...

As I mentioned earlier I am using the five young heifer calves as a mower behind the house where we are going to construct the shed. I'm really having them gnaw it down to the nubs and attack the bushes and then I'll go through with the mower afterwards to get what is left (which will be shrub stems). It is going really well and it is fun to watch them attack the fresh grass each day. I also like the fact that I can look out our bedroom window in the morning and see them laying down or grazing away!

Except there is one downside ... since they are so close to the house they wake me up every time they moo! Normally the just get going in the morning or when they want some more grass, but last night they really started into it at two in the morning. This made me worried because I assumed it meant something was out there ... and by something I mainly mean Mr. Bull (who also got out yesterday morning).

So, I peered out into the dark night that was also heavily covered by fog and I saw a lumbering mass next to their fence. I wasn't sure what it was, but I just assumed it was the bull. So, I grabbed a flashlight and pulled on my boots ready to try and corral a bull at 2:00 AM. Luckily when I got out there I found it was just the haybine! My mind does play tricks on me in the middle of the night...

Just another one of the joys of our beginning farm.


  1. great post I laughed at Mr Bull the!

  2. Lol! I totally know the feeling - we had this same trouble with our sheep last year. They were right outside of our bedroom window. They would be quiet all night but as soon as a light came on in the house they would start bahhing at the top of their lungs. We tried not turning that light on but then they learned to start up when we let the dogs out. How fun!
