
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big Anthill: 1 ... Brand New Vermeer Mower: 0

That was the tally today out at the farm. I guess I should be totally honest and tell you that we did get the mower up and going (at least it was when I left), but that big anthill sure did take it out of commission for a while as we dug at the clay goop stuck up in the rollers of this new Vermeer Disc Mower/Conditioner. Oh, and while we were digging up in there we were also covered with ants! Luckily they didn't bite to bad, but they were kind of annoying.

Like I said I had to leave before it was finished because of youth group, but when I left our friend (doing the mowing/baling) had moved from the area where he clogged up and was trying to stick to the ridges on our place. If the anthill had been completely dry this big mower would have just blown it to bits, but after 7 inches of rain this past week that little (actually really big) anthill made of clay and mud was practically like concrete.

The good news is that we got some hay cut and should have bales next week ... plus I believe we have all the drywall work done and are ready for a light orange peal texture! That really is the best news because we are something like 8 days away from our first night there.

Keep praying if you would like...

1 comment:

  1. Where's the picture of ant hill? I have yet seen "large" ant hill around here and no, I'm not native Iowan. I do know what bush hog should do (grew up on hobby farm in Michigan) but... ant hill as I know is is these dusy half inch ones.
