
Monday, June 02, 2008

Some Updates From Around the Farm

Even though soccer is over and weekly youth group meetings are on break for the summer the next couple of weeks (and probably after are going to be crazy busy). And since today is a rush, rush day I thought I would just take a couple minutes to give an update on the farm.

  • If you follow along on my Epi-Log you may have noticed we had a surprise calf born on Memorial Day. She is a little dun heifer and is pictured in this post. It is great to have another dun calf this year and equally great that it is a heifer. But, it isn't a perfect situation ... you can read about it on THIS POST.
  • I was down on my dad's place yesterday doing some fencing and putting the cattle into a new area. I love to see them on fresh grass and it is pretty cool to see such a big herd (well, big for me). We are now up to 20 Dexters.
  • The reason I drove down yesterday was to take my dad the baler I bought. We have about 20 acres of grass/clover hay down there that is ready to go as soon as the weather cooperates. Hopefully it will be soon!
  • On Saturday I went and bought a barge box wagon. This will come in handy as we finish clearing out the old fence row, but the barge box will probably end up coming off of the wagon gear. Once the building is starting to take shape I plan on putting on a hay rack.
  • Lord willing our building will start going up in three weeks or so. We still have some site prep to do and we need to get our drive and electric in, but it feels like we are getting closer
So, that is just a sampling of what is going on at Stoneyfield. Hopefully the work just keeps picking up in intensity as we start seeing more changes out at the place!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ethan,
    Congrats on the new calf. Yes, Dexters CAN be bred that young. I had one that had conceived when she was 4 months old and gave birth at 13 months old. Nope, not my doing but I owned her for a while. She was actually a really good cow and had nice calves.
