
Thursday, May 01, 2008

You Might Be a Redneck if... forget to take your wide-brim hat on a sunny day! That is my story from Wednesday. Yesterday we needed to set up some new temporary fencing for the cows and give our steers/bull calves a little more room also. That meant getting up early and driving to the farm so I could get plenty of work in before I head to get to the soccer field for practice. It was a busy day to say the least, but we got the things done that we needed to get done.

Right now we are not doing the Managed Intensive grazing set up as I would like to to do, but we are doing a little bit of rotation with the cattle. This particular pasture is the fourth one that they have been on since the grass started to green up. The first area is looking really good, but that is the field we are going to save for hay this year. The second area is starting to come back, but we could use some warmer soil temperatures. The last pasture they were on is a little rough now, but that is part of the idea. Of course their new six acre spot is pretty nice right now.

These pastures that we are using now are a mix of fescue and a some other unknown grasses. The are actually pretty sparse and I think we plan on doing a little seeding and renovation after we move the Dexters to the new farm. The idea is to get them ready so we can use them for calving or finishing some of our cattle over the next few years. My dad's farm has more acreage than ours so it is nice to have some expansion possibilities.

If our soil temperatures would actually come up to normal we would have some really good growing going on. Hopefully this will happen soon so we can take them back to the second pasture they were on. If we continue to have cool and cloudy weather we will just set up one more 5 or 6 acre pasture and then start to hit them again.

Thankfully it was a nice sunny day to work. My brother helped, my sister helped, my dad helped, and my step-mom helped. Hopefully next time the rest of my family can make it.


  1. "You Might Be a Redneck if... forget to take your wide-brim hat on a sunny day!"

    Goodness, you should take your wide brim hat everyday. Unless it's cold. Then you take your engineers cap.

  2. Soil temps pretty low still?

    We're still getting some major snow storms here.

  3. I know how you feel Ethan. 2 weeks ago I worked at the farm all day on Sunday and we didn't worry about the sun because it was cool outside. Well, my arms are still pealing! I've been wearing long sleeves and my Aussie leather hat to the farm ever since.

  4. Oh, good to see you back Yeoman!

  5. Thanks-- I have been following your blog since October, its inspiring to read the thoughts of you and others in my position(beginning farmer). Feel free to check out my new blog. look forward to more reading. thanks--J

  6. Steven, thanks. Been a little busy, and haven't had time to stop in.

  7. Yeoman - That is so true. I usually get red one time at the beginning of every summer ... last year it was at an all day soccer tournament! Yep, our soil temps are still low, but I will gladly take that over snow!

    concord dad - I'm glad to hear you have been following the blog and have me inspiried (even if only slightly). From checking out your blog it looks like you have a great start! I'll keep checking it out.
